On this day Discalced Carmelites celebrate the feast of the Transverberation of St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin, and Reformer of the Carmelite Order.
“The chief among Teresa’s virtues was the love of God, which our Lord Jesus Christ increased by means of many visions and revelations. He made her his spouse on one occasion. At other times she saw an angel with a flaming dart piercing her heart. Through these heavenly gifts the flame of divine love in her heart became so strong that, inspired by God, she made the extremely difficult vow of always doing what seemed to her most perfect and most conducive to God’s glory”. (Gregory XV in the Bull of Canonization).
All hail the day Teresa’s soul Wings like a snowy dove its way From Alba’s cell toward the goal Of all blest spirits: Hail the day! She hears her bridegroom’s welcome fair: ‘Come, my beloved sister, now From Carmel’s summit – come to share The Lamb’s high feast, with light-crowned brow’. Jesu, celestial choirs adore you Bridegroom of all virgins pure, And wedding-songs unceasing pour While endless ages shall endure.