Our Day

Our Day





We carmelites live a life finely balanced between living in community and living alone in solitude. You will see our timetable reflects this balance.

5.30 am rise

5.50 am: An hour of quiet prayer in the chapel

6.50 a.m. Breakfast

7.30 a.m. Morning Prayer – Divine Office

8.00 a.m. Mass, thanksgiving, and the Prayer before noon

The rest of the morning is given to work, usually done in solitude. Novices have class.

11.00 a.m. Spiritual Reading done alone.

11.40 Midday Prayer

12.00 Dinner, short recreation time followed by time for siesta, then time alone for whatever activities/ hobbies one likes e.g. gardening.

3.00  About his time one can have a cup of tea. Prayer after noon is said privately followed by work.

4.30   Evening Prayer 

an hour of quiet prayer

6.00 supper

7.00 Recreation

7.45 Office of Readings

Quiet Time for reading etc

9.15 Night Prayer, Retire.

Every Friday we have a hermit Day

Every First Sunday in the month we have a retreat day with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from after Mass till 5.00 p.m.